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Akita puppies for sale

Akita Puppies for Sale

– Super Intelligent – Guard – Wonderful Companion –

  • Breed: Akita
  • Group: Purebred
  • Height: 23-28"
  • Weight: 65-130 lbs
  • HypoAllergenic: No
  • Coat: Double Coat
  • Activity:
  • With Children:
  • With Animals:
  • Grooming:
  • Guard:
  • Trainability:


Our Akita puppies for sale are loyal, dignified companions that make excellent guard dogs. They are not only beautiful but are also independent and courageous companions! Browse our Akita puppies and welcome home a beautiful and loyal friend.

overview of the Akita Dog Breed

Are you looking for a beautiful and loyal dog guard? Check out our Akita puppies for sale below!

Akitas are strong, independent dogs and won’t bat an eye at cold weather. They are hard-wired to protect their family and property and are known for their unwavering loyalty.

Purchase your Akita puppy today and enjoy the companionship of this striking, loyal dog! You can also view our other puppies for sale.

Akita temperament

Incredibly Loyal: Akitas bond deeply with their family and are hardwired to protect. Hachiko, the most famous Akita, is known around the world for his undying loyalty to his master.

Guard Dog: The large, confident stance an Akita poses is enough to deter an unwanted intruder or animal. The Akita is wary of strangers and other dogs and may even become aggressive. Early socialization is essential for an Akita so they can learn what are threats and what is normal.

Courageous: Akitas are brave dogs and are known for their fearlessness. This courage contributes to their protective instincts and makes them willing to confront potential threats.

Family-Oriented: Akitas are often dedicated to their families and may form particularly strong attachments to one or a few family members

They “talk” to humans: Akitas don’t bark a lot, but they still use their voice! They make grunts, moans, and mumbles. Check out this video of Akitas talking to humans!

Intelligent: Although Akitas are intelligent, they aren’t necessarily easy to train. Akitas have an independent, headstrong nature and need firm, consistent training and early socializing to prevent aggressiveness. Akitas aren’t recommended for first-time dog owners.

Hardy: Originating from a cold and mountainous part of Japan, Akitas have thick coats, muscular bodies, and a sturdy build. They are part of the Spitz dog group (which includes the Alaskan Malamute, Samoyed, and Chow Chow), which are built for cold climates and were bred for hunting wild game, herding reindeer, or pulling heavy loads on dog sleds.

It’s important to note that Akitas require responsible ownership and proper training due to their strong personalities. They are not recommended for first-time dog owners or families with young children unless the owners have experience with similar breeds. Early socialization, consistent training, and providing them with a calm and loving environment are key to ensuring that Akitas are well-adjusted and well-behaved companions.

Akita Breed history

Akitas originate from Akita, Japan. This province is cold and mountainous, and the Akita were used for hunting wild game such as boar, elk, and even bear. The Akita worked in groups and with hunters. Akitas were also used to guard families and property.

Akitas are a natural monument in Japan and an important symbol to the Japanese people. When a child is born, parents often receive an Akita figurine to wish happiness and long life for the child.

Hachiko may be the most famous Akita. Hachiko met his master on his way home from work at the train station every day. One day his master did not return home – he had died at work. Hachiko continued to return to the train station at the same time every day for the rest of his life (nine years), exhibiting the beautiful loyalty present in Akitas. Today, there is a statue commemorating this Hachiko at the Shibuya Train station in Japan, and there have been numerous films made about Hachiko.

Helen Keller is said to have brought the first Akita to America. She received the dog as a gift when she visited Japan.

More Akitas were brought to America after WWll by servicemen. These dogs became the foundation for the American Akitas.

Akitas were accepted into the AKC registry in 1972.

Akita Average size

Adult Akitas stand 26-28 inches tall at the shoulder and weigh 100-130 pounds.

Average Akita lifespan

The average life expectancy of an Akita is 10-13 years.

Akita body features

Akitas are large, muscular dogs with beautiful, short double coats. They have curled-over tails, a trait of spitz dogs, which includes the American Eskimo, Chow Chow, Pomeranian, and Shiba Inu. They are also similar to Siberian Huskies.

Akitas have a large head with a broad face and erect, alert ears, and almond-shaped eyes.

Their coat can be black, white, brown, red, fawn, brindle, or a combination of these. Their chest, underside, and legs are often white or light-colored.

grooming Your Akita Puppy

Akitas have a dense double coat and shed minimally most of the time.

However, dogs with double coats shed heavily twice a year – so watch out! This seasonal, heavy shedding is called “blowing their coat,” and their thick, soft undercoat will come out in wisps and clumps everywhere.

You’ll need to brush your Akita more often during these times to help the loose hair come out. A trip to the groomer will also help remove the loose hair and allow the skin underneath to get some air and a good cleaning!

Akitas are generally clean dogs, so bathe as needed.
Your Akita will also need its nails trimmed, and teeth brushed regularly.

Keeping Your Akita Puppy Healthy

Akitas are generally a very healthy breed; however, it’s important for owners to be aware of conditions that may affect their dog.

Bloat, or gastric dilatation-volvulus, can occur in large breeds and is a life-threatening condition.

Bloat is when the stomach becomes twisted, and the gases in the stomach are unable to escape. The pressure from these gases affects the blood flow to the heart, and it can be fatal. Avoid feeding your dog right before or after heavy exercise. Learn to recognize the symptoms of bloat so you can take action immediately.

Sebaceous adenitis or SA is a hereditary skincondition that affects Akitas, Poodles, and Samoyeds. SA occurs when the sebaceous glands become inflamed, which affects their skin and eventually leads to hair loss. It cannot be cured. Treatment includes frequent bathing and adding oils to their skin.
You can protect your dog from one of the most common health problems: obesity. One of the best ways to extend your dog’s life is by feeding them the correct amount of food and giving them adequate exercise.

Like all dog breeds, Akitas are susceptible to hip and elbow dysplasia, two of the most common health issues among dogs. Hip and elbow dysplasia occurs when the leg or hip becomes weakened, and it can result in arthritis or potential lameness if not addressed.

One of the best ways to prevent this is by keeping your dog from running too much on hard surfaces, especially when they are puppies.

Typical Akita Allergens

First of all, what causes allergies?

Allergens are caused by dander, which is dead skin cells. Both animals and humans shed these dead skin cells. Dander is attached to the fur that dogs shed.

Akitas have double coats and are not considered allergen-friendly dogs. Regular brushing and bathing can lower allergens.

If you or someone in your home has animal allergy concerns, please consult your health provider before adopting a puppy.

  • 1. Are Akitas aggressive?
    Akitas are gentle and intensely loyal to their families. However, they are wary of strange people and animals and can become aggressive toward them if they are not well trained. The best way to prevent unwanted aggression in your Akita is to socialize it well as a puppy. Akitas with good socialization and training are not aggressive.
  • 2. Are Akitas good family dogs?
    Akitas LOVE their families! They usually do well with the children in the family and are intensely loyal and protective. They make wonderful family dogs if they are well-trained. Keep in mind that the Akita wants to be a family dog. He doesn’t want to live by himself out in a kennel—he loves human interaction and thrives best when he is close to his family.
  • 3. Are Akitas easy to train?
    Akitas are confident, independent thinkers, and they have a bit of a stubborn streak. This makes them great guard dogs, but it means they will need a confident, experienced trainer who is willing to put in plenty of time and patience. They may frustrate novice owners.
  • 4. Would an Akita make a good first dog?
    Akitas are great dogs, but their intensity makes them an unwise choice for first-time dog owners. They thrive best with an experienced, confident handler.
  • 5. Do Akitas shed a lot?
    Akitas don’t shed much regularly, but they make up for it by shedding profusely twice a year. During shedding season, there will be clumps of hair all over the place! To prevent the hair from making a huge mess during shedding season, keep on top of the shedding with daily brushing.
  • 6. Are Akitas mouthy?
    Akitas have an odd propensity to carry things around in their mouths. They love to carry anything from toys to slippers to your wrist! Their mouthing is not a sign of aggression but simply an Akita quirk. Your Akita may enjoy having a job that involves carrying something, such as fetching slippers or the newspaper.
  • 7. Do Akitas get along with kids and other pets?
    Well-trained and socialized Akitas can do well with kids. When it comes to the children they live with, they are usually loyal, gentle, and protective. However, Akitas are strong and willful, and you should always supervise your kids with your Akita. Akitas can do well with other pets too, but they have a tendency to be aggressive toward strange animals, especially same-sex dogs. If you have other pets, make sure to give your Akita some good training on how she is supposed to act around them.
  • 8. Are Akitas loud?
    Akitas do not bark much, but they vocalize! They let you know how they are feeling with moans, grunts, whines, and other noises. Some Akita owners say their dogs seem to talk and mutter to themselves under their breath!
  • 9. Are Akitas high-energy?
    Akitas are big dogs with plenty of energy, and they will need a fair amount of exercise to keep them happy and healthy.
  • 10. Can Akitas handle warm climates?
    Akitas have thick, warm coats and are made for cold climates. They do better in cooler temperatures and cannot handle hot climates well.

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