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The Ultimate Quick Guide to Bichon Frise

Are you looking for a puppy with a fluffy white coat, melting black button eyes, and a charming personality? 

If so, a Bichon Frise could be just the dog for you! 

At Infinity Pups, we know it can be overwhelming to pick out the perfect puppy. That is why we wrote this article on the Bichon Frise. We’ll cover everything you need to know to determine if a Bichon would fit nicely into your family. 

Ready to learn whether you should bring a Bichon home? 

Ready? Let’s get started!

Bichon Frise Fast Facts

First, let's do a lightning round of fun facts and highlights about the Bichon Frise! 

Ready, set, go! 

  • Bichons are tiny, but you should not treat them like china dolls. If you overprotect your Bichon, he may become spoiled and timid. Your Bichon should be allowed to stand on his own four feet and face new situations by himself sometimes. 
  • Bichons are known for their cheerful, playful personalities. 
  • Kids and Bichons are usually a good combination. Ensure your kids know how to play gently, as Bichons are very small, and can be injured by rough handling. 
  • Bichons are known for their standout white coats and melting black button eyes. They resemble literal toy dogs or teddy bears! 
  • Bichons have higher-than-average grooming needs. However, a well-groomed Bichon is a beautiful sight! 
  • Bichons are highly intelligent and can be a little mischievous. Basic obedience training is a must. 
  • Bichons are companion dogs and don't appreciate alone time. 

There are lots more to learn about these lovely dogs, so let's move on to Bichon Frise's history.  

Cheerful Personalities

Bichon Frise History

Bichon Frise history is lengthy and fascinating. 

Exact Bichon origins are uncertain, like most older dog breeds. However, we know Bichons originated somewhere in the Mediterranean and found their way to Europe sometime before the 13th century. 

Upon their arrival in Europe, Bichons soon rose in rank and became favorites of nobles from England, France, Spain, and other parts of Europe. 

However, their days as pampered lapdogs ended abruptly amid the turmoil of the French Revolution. As the monarchy crumbled, Bichons fell from rank and found themselves on the streets, soon to be adopted by new masters–circus entertainers! 

With beautiful white coats, intelligence, and a love of the spotlight, Bichons made perfect circus dogs and took to their new role with vigor. 

The breed hit hard times once more with the advent of World War I and II. At this time, a few Bichon fanciers from France took an interest in the breed’s welfare, and the result was that the breed survived and eventually made its way to America. 

Today these dogs perform in the show ring, where they can show off their lovely white coats and make excellent family pets and companion dogs. They are companion dogs at heart and don’t mind what they do as long as they get to do it with their favorite people. 

Bichon Frise Personality

Now that we know the origin of these dogs, let’s look at what a Bichon’s personality might be like. 

Every dog is different, but in general, here’s what you can expect from a Bichon: 

  • Cheerful - Bichons are a bright, bouncy breed with an overall sunny disposition. 
  • Friendly - These pups never meet a stranger! They love all people and do well with strange people and generally with strange pets too. 
  • Smart - Bichons are highly intelligent and need training for mental stimulation and to prevent them from using their brains in destructive ways. Training can be very rewarding as they learn quickly and can perform many tricks and commands. 
  • Alert - Bichons are typically alert and quickly notice anything different about their environment. 
  • Peppy - Though they look cute and fluffy, these dogs have plenty of energy, spunk, and pep! Life with a Bichon won’t be boring. 

A dog’s temperament is affected by breeding, upbringing, and training. The best way to get a puppy with a good temperament is to buy from a reputable breeder with quality parent dogs who raise their puppies properly. 

Another way to ensure a good temperament is to expose your puppy to lots of socialization and situations at a young age so they’ll grow into a well-adjusted dog.

Bichon Personality

Bichon Frise Appearance

Bichons have a striking, memorable appearance. Here are a few highlights: 

Bichons are small, standing less than a foot tall and weighing approximately 7-12 lbs. 

Their most notable physical feature is their fluffy white coat, which can be clipped and groomed to cuddly perfection! Their small size, fluffy coats, and black button eyes make them look like literal teddy bears. 

Bichons are nearly always pure white, although some may have cream, apricot, or buff markings. If a Bichon is a color other than white, it probably has different genetics somewhere in its lineage. 

Teddy Bear puppies

Bichon Frise Care

What does keeping a Bichon require? 

That’s what we’ll discover next as we look at grooming, exercise, and health needs. 


Regarding grooming, Bichons are not for the faint of heart. Those stunning white coats require regular maintenance, especially for show dogs. 

Bichons must be taken to the groomer regularly to get a clip and require brushing at least two to three times a week, although daily brushing is ideal. They’ll need a bath at least once a month to keep that white coat sparkling. 

Bichons are known as a 0-shedding breed, but that’s not strictly true. They do shed, but all the loose hair gets caught in the curly layer of their coats. Brushing them regularly is essential so that loose hair doesn’t build up. 

Another thing to watch out for is tear stains around your Bichon’s eyes. Bichons are prone to eye issues, and tear stains are very noticeable on their white fur. 


Bichons fall in the “moderately active” category. They are full of spunk and pep and enjoy playtime but don’t require a lot of vigorous exercise. 

Often Bichons are calm for long stretches, then experience a spontaneous burst of frenetic energy. They zoom around the house frantically for several minutes, then calm down and take a nap.

The bottom line is that a daily play session or walk is necessary, but your Bichon won’t run your legs off with their exercise needs. 

NOTE: Bichons are surprisingly fast for such a small dog. A fenced-in yard is a good idea, as it can be hard to get your Bichon back if he decides to bolt. 


Bichons are not an unhealthy breed, but all dogs have the potential to develop health issues. 

Here are a few health issues you should watch for you with your Bichon Frise: 

  • Vaccination sensitivity - Some Bichons are abnormally sensitive to routine vaccinations. 
  • Cataracts - Young Bichons may develop cataracts.
  • Allergies - Bichons may experience allergies or be extra sensitive to flea bites. 
  • Bladder problems - Issues such as bladder stones and infections are not uncommon in Bichons. 

These are just a few things you should watch out for that some Bichons may be especially prone to. All dogs are susceptible to health issues, and the best way to keep your dog healthy is to familiarize yourself with his regular habits so you catch on if there are any sudden changes. 

Suppose you see sudden changes such as lethargy, changes in eating and drinking, constant licking of body parts, sores, scabs, or other abnormalities. In that case, you should monitor your dog and talk to a vet if the condition worsens. 

In short, paying attention to your dog’s habits and using common sense goes a long way toward keeping your treasured pet safe and healthy. 

Bichon Frise Mixed Breeds

Purebred Bichons are beautiful dogs. However, several delightful Bichon mixed breeds may embody strengths from the two breeds. 

Popular Bichon Frise mixed breeds include: 

These mixes can make excellent pets! Remember that although some breeders may hype mixed breeds up as the “best of both breeds,” you never know precisely what you’ll get with a mixed breed. No breeder can completely control genetics, and a mixed puppy may take more strongly after one parent or the other–it may not be strictly “the best of both breeds.” 

The best way to get a puppy with a good temperament is to buy from a reputable breeder who breeds and raises their puppies with care.

Get a healthy puppy

The Bottom Line On Bichon Frise

So what’s the bottom line of owning a Bichon Frise? 

Well, Bichons are delightful, cheerful companions to have around! They make excellent companion dogs and could be a good fit for most homes, provided your children won’t play too rough and you don’t mind putting effort into grooming your dog. 

However, making a Bichon an ideal companion will also take some work from you. Owning a dog is a responsibility as well as a privilege. Without proper training and handling, the sweetest and best-tempered dog in the world could develop annoying habits and become a nuisance. 

If you want to add some joy and spice to your home and are ready to commit to the work of owning a dog, a Bichon Frise could be an excellent choice for you!


We hope this article helps you make an informed decision about whether or not a Cavachon is right for you! 

If you want to browse available Cavachon puppies today, check out our available Cavachons at Infinity Pups! 

If a Cavachon isn’t what you are looking for, check out our other breeds. We have many other puppies for sale, and you can likely find the breed you are looking for. 

If you want to know more about some of these breeds, check out our blogs on Cavapoos, Corgis, Mini Aussies, Bernedoodles, and more! 

Visit our website today to learn more! 

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