When you buy a new puppy, choosing the perfect puppy name is one of the best parts of getting a new furry friend. Sometimes, the new dog has a name before they arrive home, but more often than not people wait until their new companion is at home. There is a lot of thought that goes into naming your pet, so here are 5 ways to make the decision fun for you and your family.

Get to Know The Puppy’s Personality
Is your new puppy easily excitable? Does he LOVE every person he meets or does he shy away from strangers? Is he silly or more mature?
Spending a week with your puppy is a good way to get to know them and will help you choose a puppy name.
What Does The New Puppy Look Like?
When choosing a name for your dog, consider the color of their coat, their size, the shape of their head and the way their ears look.
Do they have a long or short tail? Do they have giant paws or a VERY wet nose? All of these factors can help your family come up with a creative name.
Research The Names of Famous Dogs
Some families like to add in a bit of history when naming their dog. Research the names of former Presidential dogs and make a list of the ones that may suit your new dog. Or run a Google search on the most famous dogs in history and decide if any of the names would be a good fit for your new puppy.
Short Names Are Helpful With Training
Many trainers suggest that dog names should have only two syllables, as it easier for owners to say and for dogs to learn. Trainers suggest names such as Cosmo, Buddy, Tango, and Rufus.
The theory is that dogs get confused with names with more than two syllables and may get them confused with commands. Trainers feel that shorter names will help you gain control of your dog easier if necessary.
Consider The Breed of The Dog
Your new puppy’s breed heritage may provide some useful inspiration. For example, Poodles are from France, Shepherds and Dachshunds are from Germany, and some Terriers are from Scotland. Looking up traditional names or even landmarks in those countries may inspire the perfect puppy name!
Naming your pet is highly personal, but also a way for you and your family to be adventurous and have fun. With lots of patience and an open mind, finding the perfect puppy name should only take a short time.
If you would like to learn more about the top 50 breeds out there, here is a great resource!